Advice that help you sleep better.
Norwegian sleep pioneers since 1947.
Our beds are made for the world to sleep better, yet we still produce them right where everything started – in Norway. The official Made in Norway la…
The sleep that makes your holiday
The holiday season often brings a hectic schedule with preparations for gatherings with friends and family. Cherished traditions are important, but i…
5 Tips: How to Create Christmas Atmosphere in Your Bedroom!
Christmas in the bedroom is about creating a harmonious balance between festive decor and relaxation. At Jensen, we want to inspire you to achieve th…
Get your beauty sleep
A tired cliché? No, the concept of beauty sleep is more anchored in science than you might think. Studies show that we find people more attractive wh…
Make your bedroom truly yours
A Jensen bed is always a personal choice. In fact, there are more possible ways to combine our different setups than there are people in the world. E…
Level up your sleep comfort
A bed can be so much more. If you want to elevate your sleep comfort to a whole new level, have a look at an adjustable bed. When you’ve experienced …
No matter who you are; sleep is important
How does one build the perfect bed, when everyone is unique and has individual needs? We have spent well over half a century making people of all age…
Sleep is cool
Summer. It's finally here. The sun, the long bright days and the short nights where you toss and turn between bedsheets damp from sweat. As we are in…
Let’s wake up to a sustainable tomorrow.
At Jensen Beds, we do everything with a passion for sleep health – but what’s the point if the planet is not doing well? Ever since the start in 1947…
Sleep quality should not be a lottery.
Your bed is more than a piece of furniture. It can be the difference between waking up tired – or fully rested and ready for a new day. Understanding…
Better sleep lets you dream bigger.
Whatever your day holds, quality sleep is key. Because when you are fully rested, you have the energy to perform your best in every situation.
Norwegian dreams
We’d like to welcome you to southern Norway. Where the mountains set the most beautiful backdrop, and where the fjords impress with their power. This…
No matter who you are, sleep matters.
You have surely felt it yourself. The difference between waking up after a good night’s sleep – and a night of tossing and turning. When you are full…
Elias and Kajsa – Norwegians traveling the world
By investing in a camper van and doing the necessary adaptations, Elias and Kajsa have really taken their love for traveling to a whole new level. Th…
Keep the summer heat out of your bedroom
Make the most of your summer.
Many of us have been looking forward to the sun and the warmth. However, one thing we easily forget during the winte…
It's a new year. Time to recharge your sleeping habits.
New year, new you? Whatever the next 365 days hold, sleeping is essential for your well-being. Just like you want your phone to be at 100 percent in …
The planet is not renewable, so we have to be.
5 June: World Environment Day 2022
It has been 50 years since the first international UN meeting regarding the environment in Stockholm in 1972, w…
Anniken Jørgensen's new Jensen bed
Anniken Jorgensen is among Norway´s largest influencers. She is famous for her clean, Nordic style, both when it comes to interior and fashion. That´…
How Daylight Saving Time impacts your health
When we set the time one hour forward, we mark the final arrival of Spring with longer and brighter days. However, for some people this change can ha…
The importance of REM-sleep
World Sleep Day 18 March 2022
The importance of REM-sleep
by Truls Hotvedt
During the night our brain takes us through several phases of sleep…
Stylish accessory in birch for the bedroom
Scandinavian design is trending. Jensen is now launching a gorgeous, new collection in the Add-On series for the bedroom in birch, which reflects the…
The perfect gifts for Christmas
Christmas is finally here again! Have you already started preparing, but are looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones? We have put …
Dreamhouse in Sicily – Palazzo Cirillo
In 2017 Marie Olsson Nylander and her husband bought Palazzo Cirillo, a 300 year old Palazzo in Sicily. A huge renovation project, that we all can ta…
Sleep quality and sleep comfort - how is it related?
All you need is a smartwatch or an app, in order to receive valuable insight into your own sleep pattern. Here we´ll tell you why you should care abo…
Autumn is coming - this affects your biological clock
We have had a long summer this year, but now autumn is upon us. The days are getting shorter, the evenings are getting darker and the temperature is …
Develop good sleeping habits at the beginning of the school year!
In the summer, we enjoy light, long, late evenings, and we can have a lie in the following morning. While this is wonderful, for adults and children …
During sleep is when the magic happens
Pia Seeberg is both a health journalist, personal trainer and mental trainer. She describes her job as creating and spreading the joy of working out.…
Sleep in the heat of Summer
Most people prefer cool air in the bedroom and have difficulties falling asleep when the Summer heat arrives. We have asked Jensen Beds´ own speciali…
The bed that has stolen the hearts of families
Jensen is celebrating the anniversary of its bestselling Ambassador bed, which saw the light of day in 1996 and became a huge success. Since then, a …
3 tips for better sleep
Sleep is extremely important. Statistically, we sleep a third of our lives. A good night's sleep is crucial for our quality of life and health - both…
The perfect gift for Christmas
Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your partner, parents or maybe grandparents? It is not always so easy to find the right Christmas …
Living alone: smart bedroom and sleeping solutions
As the world changes so too is our view of how to live. The number of single households is increasing especially in urban centres as more and more pe…
Adjusting back to earlier mornings when school starts
Summer holidays are often associated with long, warm evenings, and sleep-ins followed by slow morning routines. As nice as this might sound, summer v…
Sleep’s impact on the immune system
In order to reduce your susceptibility for infections, you should make sure to have a full night’s sleep. This as research shows that the risk for a …
Improved sleep quality through plants
What if your doctor prescribed surrounding yourself with plants, in order to cure your insomnia? Scientists have discovered that indoor plants may pr…
How to achieve an optimal daily rhythm
More than a third of all Scandinavians have some kind of sleep problem. This is often caused by their internal clock being out of sync. This is affec…
How your sleep is impacted by the brighter spring days
Now that we have set the time an hour forward, our days are getting longer and brighter. However, even if these evenings are beautiful, they can sadl…
We build beds with our hands and our hearts
The fact that our beds are «Made in Norway» is a testament to the fact that our products are held to the highest standards of quality.
At the same…
Our environmental awareness
At Jensen we are aware, each and every day, how important it is to be an environmentally conscious business. Our primary goal is to ensure that what …
Our beds are tested by independent institutes.
We want you to feel completely safe with your choice of purchasing a Jensen bed. That's why we have neutral and independent institutions test our bed…
What happens with your body when you sleep too little?
Sleep is necessary for our body to rest and for our mental health. But why are we not prioritizing sleep, and what actually happens to our bodies whe…
Adjustable freedom
Once you have tried an adjustable bed, you will probably not want to go back to a regular bed. An adjustable bed gives you greater freedom. Never bef…
5 tips to improve your sleep quality
A good bed and a well fitted pillow is a good start for quality sleep, but there are also other factors that affect the body’s ability to sleep well.…
Get a better night's sleep with an adjustable pillow to your individual needs
When it comes to our back and sleep comfort, the only thing that tends to spring to mind is the bed. However, in order to have a good night's sleep i…
In the future we will be sleeping at work
While sleeping is one of the basic needs, like eating and drinking, the digital revolution has caused us to sleep fewer hours, less often and more po…
Smart compact-living tips for small bedrooms
The fact that you have little living space no longer implies that you have to get rid of some of your favourite items. The concept of compact living …
The numerous benefits of a bed finished in wool
Not only is wool a natural, renewable and biodegradable fibre, but you also sleep better if your bedclothes and nightwear contain wool. It should the…
When children wants to sleep in their parents bed
Most children have at one point had a wish to sleep together with their parents. Some wants it every night. However, is it a necessary need for child…
Prolong the life span of the bed by performing good maintenance
On average, we spend about one third of our lives in bed, while the majority of us also ensure that our bedclothes are regularly laundered. However, …
Travel Tips
The summer is here and there is so much that we want to do during our vacation. But, to be able to achieve our sunny goals we continuously need to ge…
TempSmart™ - A mattress topper that adjusts the temperature
Did you know that a bad night’s sleep is often caused by an excessively hot or cold bed climate? Even small deviations can lead to a night of restles…
Increase the cosy factor in your bedroom with the right accessories
A cosier bedroom is always worth striving for to make it easier to sleep. In addition, the bedroom can very well be the most beautiful room in the ho…
Discover a personally adapted pillow for a better sleep experience.
A good night’s sleep is a requirement for better health. To sleep well you need a well-adjusted bed and a good pillow. A good pillow can efficiently …
Sleep well with a thermo regulating pillow
A good night’s sleep is a requirement for better health. To sleep well you need a well-adjusted bed and a good pillow that ensures a harmonious sleep…
Sleep well, wake up refreshed and have a productive day!
Sleeping well is one of the most important factors in getting the most out of life and enjoying every day. Do you not sleep well at night? Then you a…
Friendly to nature. And you.
At Jensen, we have a long and proud tradition to uphold. We cherish our roots and still manufacture all our beds in Svelvik - just like we have alway…
Get your beauty sleep every night – and achieve more during the day
Quality sleep is crucial if we are to be able to get the most out of life. Apart from sleeping the right number of hours, you also need to sleep on a…